TMJ Pain Dental Treatment
The Specialists at Clermont Dental can develop a personal treatment plan to relieve your debilitating TMJ pain
Have you been dealing with symptoms below related to TMJ/TMD Pain?
- Headaches
- Ear aches
- Jaw pain
- Jaw clenching
- Ringing in the ears
- Inability to open mouth wide
If so, then it’s time to speak to someone about TMJ Treatment options and how it can bring you relief from the pain of TMJ.
What to Expect From TMJ Diagnosis and Treatment
During your exam our dentist will check the range of motion of your jaw, listen to and feel your jaw open and shut, and identify sites of pain or discomfort.
After your exam we may need to perform dental x-rays, a CT scan to provide imags of the bones involved in the joint, and an MRI for issues in the soft tissue.
Through your individual exam we’ll set you on the best course for treatment whether it be a mouth guard, medication, surgery, or a combination of therapies.